Team 2: Spring 2021
Chad Markwell
Jacob Zimmerman
Michael Davis
Professor: Dr. Alex Redei
Advisor: Rachel Crowley
Project Description
Paragalactic is an educational space flight simulator at the Fleischmann Planetarium in Reno Nevada. Due to COVID-19 restrictions Paragalactic has been tasked with a new set of challenges of being able to service visitors of the planetarium. Paragalactic originally was intended to be an in person and interactive experience where the user gets to scan their ID and pick their unique experiences. Currently many of those things are unsafe and the museum wants a way to still be able to offer these experiences to the guest.
This project will focus on the streamlining of the registration and check-in process that reduces the number of steps and interactions needed between visitors and staff. This will be done through adding a series of web functionalities such as an online queue and messaging system. This allows users to get in line for the experience they want to do and get a text when it is nearing their turn. In addition to this we want to improve the mobile experience prioritizing the ability for the user to show and scan their QR code from their phone as well as making sure that every page on the Paragalactic site is mobile friendly. We believe these improvements will help enhance the Paragalactic experience and the museum experience as a whole while maintaining COVID-19 guidelines.
UI Snapshots
Paragalactic Home Page
Mobile Account Page
Queue Management Page
Queue Register Page
Mobile Queue Register Page
Mobile Leaderboard Page
Mobile Account Page
Problem domain book
Academic Articles